Wrabness Churchyard

One of the effects of the pandemic has been to the churchyard. During previous years we have let the oxeye daisies flower and then asked a group of young offenders to cut the churchyard. This year due to coronavirus they have been unable to help us and so the churchyard has gone uncut. This has meant that the knapweed flowered. There are over 30 different kinds of wild flowers in the churchyard, knapweed now being the most obvious; it has a violet flower and is an incredible source of nectar and so a tremendous food supply. The churchyard now is alive with birds and insects all dependent upon this amazing resource. Over 10 species of butterfly and moth have been identified together with grasshoppers and many  pollinating insects. All insect species are in decline and our food supply depends upon pollinating insects.

Whereas we are maintaining the churchyard with the needs of people tending graves being most important we also have the conservation of our wildlife in mind. We aim to have well cut areas and cut paths so that any grave can be made accessible, a mix of tended and untended areas of order and disorder where wildlife can thrive. We employ a gardener to tend the paths and areas of short grass.

Feel free to visit our churchyard. We have many books on plants, insects, and birds to borrow for home schooling. If you are interested  call in to the church on Friday morning or contact Laura Garnham, Pauline Abbott, Sue White or Howard Ling.